Students can renew their Office 365 subscription by logging into, click on the “Your account/Orders” link located in the top right corner of the screen and then click on the “Your Eligibility” link to verify if your account needs to be renewed. If it says it’s expired in red, you will need to click on the “Request additional eligibility” button and that will send them an email to your Hawkmail account that will allow you to re-verify your status. Once that is done, you need to allow a few minutes for the process to go through and then log back into the account and verify that your status is now green and it says your account is “Verified”.
As long as you are verified on, your Office 365 subscription will be automatically renewed and no intervention on the Microsoft side is needed.
Please let us know if you have any questions. You can also call the Support Center at 717-780-2570 and one of the technicians should be able to help them with any questions you may have.
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