You are able to access your HAWKMaill, Google Calendar, and Google Drive from one location inside D2L. You can even upload files from your Drive directly to the Dropbox to turn in online assignments.



To do this, complete the following steps:

1. Log into D2L and scroll all the way to the bottom of the home page to the section labeled “Google Apps."


2. Click “Link your Google Apps Account.”

3. Enter your MyHACC username (your HAKMAIL prefix) in the box labeled “Google Apps Username.”


4. Then, click “Create Link.”


5. This will take you back to the D2L home page. Scroll to the bottom under the “Google Apps” section. Then, click “Authorize.”



6. You will be given a new popup window. Click on your HAWKMail account in the list.


7. Once you are done, you will be returned to the D2L homepage. If you scroll to the bottom under the “Google Apps” section, you will now have access to your email, calendar, and drive files. The next time you submit files to the Dropbox, you will have the option to search your Google Drive for the file.


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