I am having issues accessing Brightspace(D2L). What's wrong?


Browser Support 
D2L is committed to performing key application testing when new browser versions are released. New and updated functionality is also tested against the latest version of supported browsers. However, due to the frequency of some browser releases, D2L cannot guarantee that each browser version will perform as expected. 
For an optimal experience that offers better performance, accessibility, and security, D2L strongly recommends that all users access Brightspace Learning Environment with the latest version of a supported browser. 
Important: You can access Brightspace Learning Environment with older versions of supported browsers; however, D2L does not test Brightspace Learning Environment against these older versions. This means you may encounter unexpected user interface behavior and appearance, or broken and unsupported functionality. In most cases, D2L does not fix software defects experienced in unsupported browser versions. 
Note: the following: 

  • Ensure that JavaScript and cookies are enabled in your browser.
  • Brightspace Learning Environment supports HTML5 Video Player and does not rely on Adobe Flash and Adobe Flash Player. However, you can still create Flash-dependent video content in Brightspace Learning Environment.
  • As of the July 2020/20.20.07 release, Firefox ESR is no longer a supported browser, due to extremely low usage. To support clients through this transition, D2L will fix high-priority issues for Firefox 68 ESR (until the end of September 2020) and Firefox 78 ESR (until the January 2021 release).
  • Brightspace Learning Environment's browser version check displays warnings for browsers earlier than the following versions:
    • Chrome 81 (released in April 2020)
    • Chromium-based Edge 81 (released in April 2020)
    • Legacy Edge 44 (not receiving any further updates)
    • Safari 13 (released in September 2019)
    • Firefox 76 (releases May 5th, 2020)

Desktop Computers 

Brightspace Learning Environment is supported on the following desktop platforms with the latest browser versions: 

Platform Apple® Safari®  Google® Chrome Microsoft® Edge  Mozilla® Firefox®
Apple® Mac OS®  Yes Yes Yes Yes
Microsoft® Windows®  No Yes Yes Yes





Tablets and Mobile Devices 

Brightspace Learning Environment is supported on the following tablets and mobile devices with the latest browser versions: 

Platform Apple® Safari® Google® Chrome™ Microsoft® Edge  Mozilla® Firefox®
Apple® iOS® for iPhone® and iPad®  Yes No No No
Android™ OS for Android phones and tablets  No Yes No No


  • Last Updated Aug 21, 2020
  • Views 3380
  • Answered By Meriah Swope

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