Answered By: Katie Stewart
Last Updated: Mar 03, 2025     Views: 307

To cite information from the Hoovers Online database (such as company or industry information), follow these examples for APA and MLA citation styles:


Reference entry (full citation)

D&B Hoovers. (n.d.). Starbucks Corporation [SWOT analysis]. Retrieved June 1, 2024, from

In-text citation

(D&B Hoovers, n.d.)


Works cited entry (full citation)

"Starbucks Corporation" [SWOT analysis]. D&B Hoovers, Accessed 1 June 2024. 

In-text citation

("Starbucks Corporation" [SWOT analysis]). 

  • In these examples, D&B Hoovers is treated as the author, publisher, and website name (all one in the same). If you are citing an article in Hoovers that has a specific author, then use their name in the author spot, and use D&B Hoovers as the publisher/website name. 
  • Use a retrieval date in APA citations when the information is designed to change over time (in this case, company information in Hoovers changes frequently). 
  • Use an accession date in MLA citations when the source lacks a publication date (highly recommended). 
  • Since many sources in Hoovers have the same title (e.g., the company name, like "Starbucks Corporation"), you can use square brackets to specify which part of the company/industry information you're citing. 
  • If you're citing multiple pages with the same author and date in APA, add lowercase letters (a, b, and so on) to the date of your citations to distinguish the sources from each other, for example:
    • D&B Hoovers. (n.d.-a) / (D&B Hoovers, n.d.-a)

Adapted from “How to Cite Business & Economics Databases: D&B Hoovers” by Ohio University Libraries, “Citing Online Advertising & Business Sources in APA: D&B Hoovers” by Illinois University Libraries, and MLA Citation:Hoovers Premium by Valencia College.

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