For a Zoom Classroom: yes, it is allowed for instructional purposes under copyright fair use and the TEACH Act. If you are recording your Zoom classroom, the streaming video cannot be recorded; you must stop/pause your recording and then resume recording when the video has finished. Please supply your students with a link to the video for later viewing.

NOTE: Kanopy and Swank Digital Campus have copyright protection technology in place to block streaming over videoconferencing platforms such as Zoom. For titles on these platforms, students will need to view the video outside of class, or individually on their own devices during class.

For a HACC-sponsored public performance, such as an SGA movie night, we must have public performance rights per database licensing agreements.

  • AVON (Academic Video Online): Yes, as long as no admission is charged.
  • Feature Films for Education: No
  • Films on Demand: Yes
  • Kanopy: Yes, some of Kanopy's titles come with public performance rights. To view available titles, click "Search," then scroll to the bottom of the Filters list and toggle "Public Performance" to the 'on' position.
  • National Theatre Collection: No
  • Swank Digital Campus: No, not with the Library's collection. Swank does offer separate one-time licenses for public performances; interested departments and student organizations should visit the Swank College Campus FAQ for more details.

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